Yielding doesn’t come easily to many of us. We hold fast to our plans and hopes for the future. Even after salvation, we have our own ideas and expectations for what our Christian life will look like. But if we are to become true followers of Christ, we need to submit our will to the Father as Jesus did.
In this message, Dr. Stanley explores the pattern for humility we see in the life of Jesus, who did not arrive in kingly glory as expected, but lived and walked as a servant. The night before His crucifixion, He prayed not once, but three times, “Not as I will, but as You will … Your will be done” (Matt. 26:39, 42, 44, NASB). In the hardest of times, we can pray this prayer as Jesus did, even more than once.
Humbling ourselves means submitting to our heavenly Father as the sovereign ruler of our lives and walking in obedience to His will. It is a continual laying down of our desires coupled with constant seeking after God’s wishes. It does not come easily or quickly, but it is the path to life at its very best.
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