Products/Sermons/Sermon Series on DVD/Guarding Our Faith (DVD Series)

Guarding Our Faith (DVD Series)

Stand up, speak out, and guard the purity of God's Word. There is nothing more harmful or destructive than mixing the truth with a little bit of error. Throughout history false teachers have used this method to mislead many people down the dark path of spiritual destruction. Dr. Stanley teaches that now more than ever, believers must be well-versed in knowing the Bible and defending it from those who misrepresent its truth. While it's the role of pastors and leaders to teach their churches, it's the responsibility of every Christian to examine all instruction against the light of God's Word. When followers of Jesus are prepared to correct false teaching, they strengthen the church and preserve the Bible's sound doctrine for future believers.

This series includes the following messages:

- "The Spirit of the Antichrist"
- "Exposing False Teachers"

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