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A Call for Courage

We learn to respond to the tests and trials of life by facing each new challenge with courage and faith in God. When we’re afraid and don’t know what to do, the Lord will encourage us if we trust Him.

In this message, Dr. Stanley shares from the life of Gideon how:

- God calls those who He has equipped for the task He has in mind.
- God understands when we need assurance of His call.
- God oftentimes asks us to do something easier in order to prepare us for more difficult tasks to come.
- Even the most courageous people often desire added assurance of God’s presence.
- God knows how He’s going to deliver us from situations.
- God sometimes gives us glimpses that He’s working for our good.
- God always honors the courage and obedience of His servants.

Don’t underestimate what the Lord can do in and through you. He will always be with you, and He’s ready to give you assurance when you doubt Him. God’s plans can be surprising and challenging, but they are always the best way to find success, exalt Him and bring Him glory.

This message is part of the series "The Courage to Stand."

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