Messages on Comfort

“For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ.” —2 Corinthians 1:5

There’s no way to avoid pain—it’s part of being alive. But for the believer, there is solace to be found in the presence of God, who promised to never leave or forsake us. In this sermon set, Dr. Stanley explains that God is our comforter, and that by focusing on Him we’ll find the peace, faith, and fortitude we need to walk through our dark valleys. When life hurts, learn to run to God instead of away from Him.

This sermon set includes the messages:

- “The God of All Comfort”
- “The Believer’s Valley Experiences”
- “Walking Through the Darkness With God”
- “When We Feel Helpless”
- “Unshakable Faith in Uncertain Times”
- “Healing Our Hurts”

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