The Motivational Gift Of Giving

Do you love to give? If so, you probably have the motivational gift of giving.

In this message, Dr. Stanley uses examples from the life of Matthew to illustrate the characteristics of a person with this giftedness. These include:

- A keen ability to make wise purchases and investments in order to have money available to give away
- A desire to give quietly to effective projects or ministries without public notice
- An enjoyment in meeting needs without the pressure of appeals
- A desire to use his giving as a way to motivate others to give
- An ability to see financial needs that other people tend to overlook
- An ability to test the faithfulness and wisdom of others by how they handle funds
- A tendency to practice personal frugality and an ability to be content with the basic necessities of life
- A joy when his gift is an answer to specific prayer
- A dependency on the partner’s counsel to confirm the amount of a gift
- A concern that his gift be of high quality

Dr. Stanley also explains how people misunderstand these qualities and what happens when a person with the motivational gift of giving walks in the Spirit rather than in the flesh.

Learn to love those with the gift of giving in your life and ask God to help you encourage them to honor the Lord and faithfully serve Him.

This message is part of the series "God's Children, Gifted for Ministry."

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