The Motivational Gift of Mercy

Are you quick to empathize with another person’s troubles? If so, you probably have the motivational gift of mercy.

In this message, Dr. Stanley uses examples from the life of John to illustrate the characteristics of a person with this giftedness. These include:

- The ability to feel an atmosphere of joy or distress in an individual or a group
- A tendency to be attracted to and understand people who are having mental and emotional distress
- A desire to remove hurts and bring healing to others rather than to look for the benefits of hurts
- A greater concern for mental distress than physical distress of others
- Sensitivity to words and actions that will hurt others
- A tendency to react harshly when intimate friends are rejected
- An ability to sense genuine love
- A need for deep friendships in which there is mutual commitment
- A need to measure acceptance by physical closeness and quality time together
- An enjoyment and unity with those who are sensitive to the needs and feelings of others
- A tendency to avoid firmness until he sees how it will bring benefit and eliminate greater hurts
- A closing of their spirit to those who are insincere

Dr. Stanley also explains how people misunderstand these qualities and what happens when a person with the motivational gift of mercy walks in the Spirit rather than in the flesh.

Learn to love those with the gift of mercy in your life and ask God to help you encourage them to honor the Lord and faithfully serve Him.

This message is part of the series "God's Children, Gifted for Ministry."

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