The Motivational Gift Of Organization

Do you readily step into open leadership roles? If so, you probably have the motivational gift of organization.

In this message, Dr. Stanley describes the characteristics of a person with this giftedness. These include:

- An ability to see the big picture and visualize the final results of a major undertaking
- An ability to break down the major goals into smaller, achievable tasks
- A motivation to organize that for which he is responsible
- An ability to know what resources are available and needed to reach a goal
- An ability to know what can and cannot be delegated
- A tendency to remove himself from detracting details in order to focus on the ultimate goals
- A willingness to endure reaction
- A need for loyalty and confidence from those who are being directed and serve
- A tendency to assume responsibility if no structured leadership exists
- A desire to complete a task as soon as possible
- A joy and fulfillment in seeing all the parts come together and others enjoying the finished product
- A desire to move on to a new challenge when a previous task is fully completed

Dr. Stanley also explains how people misunderstand these qualities and what happens when a person with the motivational gift of organization walks in the Spirit rather than in the flesh.

Learn to love those with the gift of organization in your life and ask God to help you encourage them to honor the Lord and faithfully serve Him.

This message is part of the series "God's Children, Gifted for Ministry."

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