The Powerful Attribute Of Patience #1

While patience is an attribute of God, it does not come naturally to us. One only needs to watch a two-year-old waiting to eat to see evidence of that truth. Instead, it is something we must learn. We must practice saying, “I’m willing to let go of what I want or think I need and wait for God to supply.”

In this message, Dr. Stanley teaches us how to develop that inner quietness that endures through stressful times. He first explains how patience is connected to faith, values, discernment, wisdom, love, strength, courage, and determination. He also shares how our willingness to wait affects our ability to:

- Obey God
- Have good relationships
- Earn respect
- Protect ourselves and others
- Sense the right time to act
- Settle disputes
- Persevere in prayer
- Have a successful life
- Maintain stability
- Endure suffering
- Experience peace, joy, and contentment
- See God work in our lives

The greater the blessing God has in store for us, the greater the patience He often requires. This means we have a choice. We can either learn how to be patient and see what God will do in our lives, or we can take matters into our own hands and watch it turn to nothing. What will you choose?

This sermon is the first in the series The Power of Patience, which includes:

1. The Powerful Attribute of Patience
2. The Consequences of Impatience
3. Expressing Patience
4. Developing Patience
5. The Rewards of Patience
6. The Patience of God

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