Victory Over Anxiety

Anxiety is the most prominent emotion that people are experiencing today. While feeling anxious is not a sin, the Lord doesn’t want us to live in a continual state of dread because of life’s uncertainties.

God is not the creator of anxiety, and worry doesn’t fit our identity as followers of Christ. This emotion divides our minds, decreases our productivity, affects our personal relationships with others, leads to unwise decisions, steals our joy and peace, and is a terrible waste of time and energy. Instead, we ought to live with the peace and comfort the Lord provides for us each day.

In this sermon, Dr. Stanley explains why we worry and how we can free ourselves from this stressful emotion by:

- Bringing our worries to God
- Coming to the Lord with an attitude of thanksgiving
- Remembering that God loves you unconditionally, has the desire and power to help you, and has promised to relieve your worries
- Recognizing that anxiety is a faith battle

Remember, no one has to live in anxiety; it’s a choice. Freedom and peace await those who are willing to give their worries to God and leave them in His hands.

This sermon is part of the series Healing Damaged Emotions.

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