Walking Through Dark Times with God

“What’s going on? Why is this happening? How long will my pain last? God, where are You?” When we face dark moments in our lives, questions like these often surface. It’s OK to cry out to God—and seek answers from the One who knows all things and can give purpose and meaning to our experiences.

In this message, Dr. Stanley leads us in examining the life of Joseph, whose early privilege and favor shifted into years of darkness until the light broke through. We will see many practical principles unfold in the way God worked in Joseph’s life and positioned Him for future blessing.

God always has a purpose for the darkness He allows us to walk through, and it’s always greater than we can imagine. We can learn how to focus on Him rather than on the times that try us. Temptations, difficulties, and persecutions will come. But we can walk through them confidently with our eyes on Him, fully assured of His compassionate presence and strength, as He leads us toward the light.

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